Rejuvant was developed by Ponce De Leon Health, in conjunction with the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.
How and when should I take Rejuvant?
We recommend taking a dose (2 tablets) in the morning with or without food.
Can I feel the effects?
While Rejuvant was developed solely for extending healthspan, the mechanisms by which that happens have some noticeable benefits. Most users experience an increase in mental focus and clarity, improved exercise tolerance, heightened physical stamina, and better sleep cycles.
How long does it take to feel the effects?
Usually people start to feel the short-term positive effects within a few weeks. We've found DNA demethylation and senescent cell signal moderation usually take 6-9 months, and continues thereafter.
What are the side effects?
The safety of the primary ingredients in Rejuvant has been demonstrated in humans by clinical studies with a wide dose-range and use in the food supply for decades. No adverse events have ever been reported.
What makes Rejuvant different than other products?
While there is no product like ours on the market, other longevity and healthspan products lack the data to show an actual delay in the onset of frailty and an increase in healthspan. Other products promoting similar benefits don’t address aging in the four ways Rejuvant does: ammonia detox, DNA demethylation, ATP conservation, and senescent cell inflammaging.
Why is there a men’s and woman’s formulation?
Our data showed that different combinations work differently for each gender’s biology, so we created formulations that have the strongest positive effect on healthspan for each.
Do you ship Internationally?
Go to www.RejuvantWorld.com for orders outside the US. You can also contact customer service at 1-844-735-8826 or e-mail us at CustomerService@Rejuvant.com to check our current shipping availability.”